Edufair Theme v1.1 is a complete Learning Management System (LMS). Teachers can earn money by selling their courses. Edufair theme has 6 full demos for 6 Online courses, universities, high schools and kindergarten. The Edufair theme is perfect for any type of educational website. It is very easy to use.

Download Free Edufair Theme – Multipurpose WordPress Theme for Education
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Fully Responsive Online – Education Theme built on WordPress platform. Edufair Theme is a modern designed WordPress theme that can be used for educational institutions like Universities and colleges, high schools, kindergartens, online courses. It’s highly customizable – looks great on tablets and mobile devices.
We have included a documentation folder to describe the code structures. Feel any trouble installing this theme or others, our support team is always ready to assist you. Edufair theme includes best practices of web development – you can create a great website layout based on drag and drop WordPress page builder.
We have used King Composer Page Builder in Edufair Theme. Why have we used it and why not Visual Composer? King Composer is very lightweight, loads fast, plus the plus points are that it’s a free plugin and doesn’t require you to buy any kind of license (but it has many premium add-ons if you want). So you are safe and you can save a lot of money.
The Edufair theme has integrated our custom front-end login and register plugin. So you don’t need to use WordPress default login and register. More options available in Edufair Education Theme Please visit our online demo.
Edufair Theme Features;
- 6 Home Version Online Course One, Online Course Two, University One, University Two, High/Secondary School, Kindergarten. So it is very easy to choose the color of your brand.
- Complete Learning Management System (LMS) You can sell your e-learning course using online course demo, admin can allow to create teacher account and this teacher can sell his course. You can use as a non-lms just don’t install the “course builder” plugin. So it is very easy to choose the color of your brand.
- University: A complete package of university demos along with the online application form. So it is very easy to choose the color of your brand.
- WordPress Customizer: We have used WordPress core technology for admin panel. We do not prefer to use third party admin options as it will slow down and trash your website. For this reason, we always try to use the WordPress standard Customizer API for the theme options panel. So it is very easy to choose the color of your brand.
- The Edufair theme uses the King Composer WordPress page builder plugin. It is a very lightweight, simple and fast plugin. The plus advantage is that it is a free plugin. Therefore, you do not need to pay additional costs to build a website that sells online courses. So it is very easy to choose the color of your brand.
- Edufair Front-end Login and Register Plugin We have developed a plugin for front-end user login and register users. It is a very simple and light weight plugin.
- Sell your stationery products or books using the WooCommerce integrated WooCommperce plugin. This is a mini shop for your education website.
- PayPal Payments Integrated The default PayPal payment system is integrated to sell your courses.So it is very easy to choose the color of your brand.
- Unlimited Color Style You can change the color of your entire website. So it is very easy to choose the color of your brand.
- Download the Edufair theme zipped file from below.
- Unzip the Edufair theme.
- Upload the file to your WordPress website.
- Activate the theme and install the required plugins.
- Enjoy it
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